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Prop Store of London E-11 versions.

Prop Store of London E-11 ESB.

Along with the New Hope Blaster, the Prop Store collection also contains a Storm Trooper blaster from Empire. Although the basic overall look is the same the construction and detail is different. Firstly, this is a real gun that has been de-activated, a Sterling MkV sub machine gun. The majority of the New Hope blasters were cast and were never practical. Like the ANH blaster this gun has a specially cut down magazine from 32 rounds to approximately 10. Perhaps most notably the Hengstler counter box is missing, changing the profile to a more elegant look. Also missing are the various buttons and add-ons which were put on the original gun to help disguise it. The ESB blaster is a much more robust prop. The sight rail has been replaced by a sturdy box and the rubber draw runner “fins” on the original are now metal U shaped sections which have been screwed to the Sterling barrel.

Prop Store of London E-11 version A new Hope.

This is the bapty/ prop store version.  Includes Replica power cells. 4 digit Hengstler counter. Sight rail bent at front and rear, bolted at rear into the cast aluminum billet. No D ring, no trigger and new grips. The bolt has been removed, as has the cocking handle, replaced with a steel tube screwed into the billet.  The billet has a solid rear sight, and is riveted to the main tube.  The trigger group has been completely replaced, and has a bent steel frame for the guard.

Images and text used with permission.  contact prop store for more information.

© 2015-2023 by TK 2392. We are not affiliated with sterling arms, or Lucasfilm LTD.

 Videos on this website are the creation of individual artists on youtube, property of the original owners.

 Photos included with articles re-printed come from Original Prop Blog, London Prop Store and Sterling L2A3.

Some photos provided by Lee M. and other members of the FISD.  All text and images used with permission from the authors individual works shown.
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