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E-11 parts sources                                       special thanks to FISD members

Apex gun parts Steel parts kits

Real parts.  Apex has been providing E-11 sterling style parts kits for many years.  Add a Steel tube or metal tube, and some of the other prop dressings available. The best path to an E-11 with all working functioning end cap and folding stock.

Click the Apex logo for the main page.

Here is a listing of Real individual parts  GO HERE!

Apex gun parts Steel parts kits

Real parts.  Apex has been providing E-11 sterling style parts kits for many years.  Add a Steel tube or metal tube, and some of the other prop dressings available. The best path to an E-11 with all working functioning end cap and folding stock.

Click the Apex logo for the main page.

Here is a listing of Real individual parts  GO HERE!

Doopy Do's parts kits.                     version 1                      version 2

This company has been providing parts also for many years.  A great start for a person wanting to get closer to the original parts. 

Version 1 requires you to provide a sight rail and a tube in metal or PVC as well as a scope and counter and power cells.

Version 2 has more parts and only requires a sight rail and bracket. includes scope, counter and cells.

DVH kit version 1

DVH has started doing runs of parts cast in black resin.  Lou has done a great job of updating his work over time, and Tk bondservnt was lucky enough to be included to provide a scope and counter to help.

Several builds have been done with this new kit, and look promising!

Phoenix Props

Aluminum Tube and Resin parts.


They look, and handle well.

Scopes- Resin and Real.

Real scopes can be really hard to find.

Resin scopes come from many different sources.

T Tracks parts.

T Tracks original source has never been found.

some suppliers



SABERFREAK  (no longer available)

Sight rails and Hengstler Counter Brackets

At this time there is only one supplier for Sight rails and counter brackets


Hengstler Counter real parts and resin.

Hengstler counters come in many different versions.

The best is the brass metal socket eagle.

The WEB has several sources for counters


doopy do resin


Power Cells.

Cells come in many different versionsResin cells, plastic cells, cells with 2 center capacitors and the more accurate 3 cap version.

The more accurate version is shown on the left.


​All metal cells (andy will soon be making them}

​Cell Parts kits


The Web

Resin cells

Unique canes - blasters and sterlings

This company has several different versions.

Real parts, scope and counter.

Real parts resin scope and counter. This company also has Steel tubes for having a machinist prep the tube.

Ima-usa parts kits

© 2015-2023 by TK 2392. We are not affiliated with sterling arms, or Lucasfilm LTD.

 Videos on this website are the creation of individual artists on youtube, property of the original owners.

 Photos included with articles re-printed come from Original Prop Blog, London Prop Store and Sterling L2A3.

Some photos provided by Lee M. and other members of the FISD.  All text and images used with permission from the authors individual works shown.
               All trademarks property of the original owners.   All rights reserved

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