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E-11 to avoid.                                                a section of questionable design.

This Section outlines the versions of the E-11 that should be considered so incorrectly designed that they don't represent the blaster as it should be made.

Mistakes in design, construction or materials are outlined here.

Some of the blasters shown here are no longer in production and some

are currently being sold.

Perhaps with the correct materials and construction these makers will update their designs. 

Original stormtrooper

Basic design flawsin shape and measurements.  The folding stock is filled in front. The trigger is wrong, as is the guard.  T Tracks are incorrect. Rear sight rail is fitted wrong, bolt is designed missing it's distinctive rear section.  Spring is too many coils showing.   Front section has large seam, that should not be there.

stormtrooper costumes or jedi-robe

Every single aspect of this design is incorrect.  From the bottom to the top this design represents  basic design flaws by making a replica that uses no original parts as a base reference for its shape and measurements.  The folding stock is mishaped and too short in front. The trigger is wrong, as is the guard.  T Tracks are incorrect. Rear sight is too tall, Cap lock is too large and too tall. Scope is mounted in the incorrect position too far forward. There is no bayonet lug or flat area in front.  overall scale is too long.

Cinemastery studios.

Again we have a very interesting interpretation of the overall design but with construction errors that make the look stand out to the keen eye!

The folding stock and scope are the main flaws in this ESB design.

We in no way suggest that these blasters are poorly constructed, or that the makers are to be avoided. We present this data as constructive critque and only can hope that the quality and design will be improved in the future!

© 2015-2023 by TK 2392. We are not affiliated with sterling arms, or Lucasfilm LTD.

 Videos on this website are the creation of individual artists on youtube, property of the original owners.

 Photos included with articles re-printed come from Original Prop Blog, London Prop Store and Sterling L2A3.

Some photos provided by Lee M. and other members of the FISD.  All text and images used with permission from the authors individual works shown.
               All trademarks property of the original owners.   All rights reserved

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